Top RF Signal Jammer with 40m jamming radius vmslxdPvQ_vo_ for hidden.

Product Description
   This RF Signal Jammer with 40m jamming radius is a high-power radio transmitter, it is able to block four frequencies 310MHz, 315 MHz, 390MHz and 433MHz .and the customer can choose one from 315MHz, 418MHz and 430MHz according to their requirements. When it worked with plug power the jamming distance could get 50m, while work with battery is 30m. If you want to buy one, just come here, we will provide high quality with reasonable price for you
Frequency Jammed: 310MHz/ 315MHz/ 390MHz/433MHz (+/- 2MHz)
Power Supply: 9V(Battery or Power adaptor)
Operating Range: UP to 50 meters radius
Working current: 400mA
Dimension: 125*125*33mm
Color: Black
Portable Quad band RF Jammer
Power Adaptor

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