Jammer Cell Phone Jammer Five Bands Cell Phone Jammer Mobile Phone Jammer

Main Features:

  • Cell Phone Jammer Blocker Pouch Bag - Anti-radiation, Anti-degaussing
  • Handset function bag, Anti- radiation, anti-degaussing, no signal
  • Carrying mobile phone ling-term will endanger human due to wave radiation.
  • Phone bag have a great effect in anti-radiation to make sure health.
  • If you don't want to answer the phone, you can put the phone in the bag, then the phone will tell "calls can not be connected"
  • ID Card, bank cards, such as IC Magnetism card, putting into the bag, can avoid magnetism lost and information leak.
  • Skill Dimension: attenuation intensity 90dB
  • Function efficiency: 99.9%
  • Scope of application: Mobile phone pouch can be mounted Nokia, iPhone, Blackberry, Samsung, HTC, Motorola...series brand variety of 3G Handset models. Can be used for GPS, Digital Cameras, memory and other electronic products to carry package.

Product Specifications:

  • Material: Man-made leather
  • The 1st layer in front is just like normal pouch bags that protects your cell phone from scratches & dirtiness
  • The 2nd layer at the back helps you to block phone signals
  • Simply slide your cell phone into the 2nd layer & all receptions will be gone
  • The pouch also has an anti-degaussing function
  • As IC cards cannot be placed together with cell phones or magnetism will be lost & information may be gone
  • The anti-degaussing function layer allows you to put your ID card, credit cards & many others together with your cell phone without damaging any of them.
  • Color: Black Pink
  • Layer: 2
  • Size: 14.5cm x 9.5cm

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