cell phone signal jammer|10W Adjustable Power Jammer Phonejammer.com Free International Shipping !! ezfYofGmhuetPnmQzmlx.

  • cell phone signal jammer|10W Adjustable Power Jammer Phonejammer.com Free International Shipping !! ezfYofGmhuetPnmQzmlx

Fixed or portable unit, with tough aluminium casing suitable for use in rooms of any size or outdoor usage (not waterproof).

Select-able switches on the front for choice of jamming bands and adjustable RF power levels.

Compatible with 4G (depends on county) / 3G / 2G networks.

With an internal high-capacity rechargeable back-up battery.

Package contents: 1 x 10W Adjustable Power Jammer , 1 x AC power supply, 4 x Antennas.

* not available to USA and EU (only authorized government users).

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