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Online store Spy Pocket Cell Phone Jammer in Delhi India zdxxlPddblJJzedo hot sales.

  • Product Details

    A sophisticated low-power mini cellphone and signal jammer which can fit into a pocket or be disguised as a box of cigarettes. It will block RF signals up to 10 meters which makes it ideal for use in classrooms or in meetings.


    Main Function: cellphone jammer in cigarette pack
    Isolation Signal Frequency
    -GSM: 925-960 MHz
    -3G: 2100-2170 MHz
    -DCS/PHS: 1800-1930 MHz
    Radius: about 10m
    Onboard Controls: ON/OFF
    Power Source: Wall plug, Car adapter or Built-in rechargeable Lithium-Ion (LI-ION) battery
    --Type: I-ION
    --Capacity: 1200mAh
    --Charging Indicators: YES (Red: Charging, Green: Charged)
    --Usage:2-3 hours continuous,300+hours standby
    --Power input: AC110V-240V
    --Power Output: DC5V1200mAH
    Dimensions: 80 x 45 x 20mm (L x W x D)

    At a Glance…

    Can use a cigarette box as camouflage
    GSM,3G,DCS,PHS cellphone disruption
    Internal Lithium Ion battery

    Product Notes

    Efficiently provide shield for mobile signals for 3G/GSM/DCS/PHS
    Will not affect the other electronic devices
    Small and lightweight design that is easy to hide and carry
    Completely Silent
    Can be charged by AC adapter or car charger
    Please don’t put the jammer in high voltage and high magnetism locations

    Package Contents

    Pocket Cellphone Jammer
    User manual
    AC power charger
    Car power charger


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