Online store Signal Jammer Wholesale Cell Phone Jammer Remote with CDMAGSMDCS and 3G _mzlrhJtkmacxtobdP hot sales.

Product Description

If you're looking for a high-power, technologically advanced cell phone jamming solution - you've found this jammer which is for CDMA,GSM,DCS, and even 3G!

Easy To Use: No maintenance required. Just turn it on and leave it on! The special casing is designed to dissipate all heat generated, ensuring no down time and circuit protection. What's more, this military strength cell phone jammer comes with a remote control so you can deactivate the jammer from a distance when you need to make a call, and activate it when you're done so everyone else is left without cell phone coverage!

At a Glance...

  • Easy to use and operate
  • 3 high gain antennas!
  • Compact Size, Light Weight, easy to use and very practical;
  • Total Transmission Output: 4Watt
  • Isolating Signal Bandwidth
  • CDMA: 870-880 MHz
  • GSM: 930-960 MHz
  • DCS: 1805-1880 MHz
  • PHS: 1900MHz-1930MHz
  • 3G: 2110-2170 MHz
  • Coverage Area: 5-10m (Depending on the strength signal in given area)
  • Average Output Power: 23dBm
  • Power Consumption: 36W
  • Dimensions: 155*100*29mm
  • Power Source: Wall plug
  • Work Temperature:-40degree to +55 degree
Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer's reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.

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