2017 4W High Power Wireless Signals Jammer WiFI 2.4G5.8G wvtowwheJnttrsPow 50% discount.

Product Description

Compared with other Wi-Fi signals jammer, the 4W Powerful All WiFI Signals Jammer (2.4G,5.8G) has more enhanced features and functionalities. This device is not only blocking the frequency of 2.4G, but also blocking the frequency of 5.8G. In other words, the blocking device can cover all of Wi-Fi signals.

Strong output power achieves 4W which helps this jammer to cover huge area – up to 25 meters. AC power adapter (AC100-240V-DC5V) allows this jammer to work day by day with no stop.

The powerful blocking device can cut off all WiFi signals. Do you want to experience the overall function? Please do not hesitate, take action. It will be your first choice.


-2.4G1:2400-2450MHz; 30dBm; 0dBm/30KHz (min)
-2.4G2: 2450-2500MHz;30dBm; 0dBm/30KHz (min)
-5.8G1:5725-5775MHz; 30dBm; -2dBm/30KHz (min)
-5.8G2:5775-5825MHz ;30dBm; -2dBm/30KHz (min)



Important Notes for Jamming Distance: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer’s reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.

Important Notes for Portable Jammers with No Cooling Fan: Do not use the jammer when it is charging, or it will burn the jammer as it has no built-in fan. If because of this factor due to the broken of the jammer, the customer will lose the authority of free repairation .

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