tDescription" id="ProductDescription">

Product Description

The 80W-indoor will disable all CDMA, GSM, DCS and 3G signals up to 150 meters.  Included are omni-directional antennas, and directional panel antennas are optional to help focus the signal in a specific area. 

Perfect for large open halls or use during the administration of standardized examinations. Dual buit in fans provide ventilation to keep the unit cool.

Each band power output is adjustable.  VSWR over protection built into each band module.

  Also available in a vehicle version , this professional cell jammer provides excellent coverage.

Jamming: 850-895MHz (25W) / 920-960MHz (25W) / 1800-2000MHz (15W) / 2100-2170MHz (15W)
*Custom tuning available
Range: up to 150 Meters
Dimensions: 35x19x6 cm(L*W*H)



* Does not qualify for free shipping

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