Jenise's Jammers

Buy 4G 70W Cell phone Jammer a total output power of Wimax __QYavsvfPodYJzcQP for ebay.

Product Description
   Ever thinking that a cell phone jammer can have the ability of jamming all cell phone signals, then come and know more about the 4G Wimax  Cell phone Jammer with a total output power of 70W, you will believe.
   First, with AC adapter it can working continuously with a total output power of 70W . And different from other jammers, a big advantage is that every band frequency can select output power, which makes the jammer easier to use. Besides, it owns cooling fan inside so that the temperature won’t be high and won’t affect the normal working of it. What’s more, the jamming distance of this device can reach as far as 1000 meters , the output power is adjustable and all the TX frequencies cover downlink only, which makes your operation more convenient.
   Last but not the least is that the antenna of this one is Omni-directional Antenna, so it can jamming signal from all directions. But what you should pay attention is that this one can block the 4G Wimax but can’t block the 4G LTE signal. If you want the one to block the 4G LTE signal, you can choose the other type.
   Such kind of cell phone jammer can be used in places like prison, guard, invigilate meeting room, library and so on. And it is especially good at blocking 3G signal. If you want one just come here, contact us and pick up the high quality product to yourself at the best price.
Affected Frequency Ranges:
-CDMA: 850-894MHz   
-GSM : 925-960MHz   
-DCS/PCS: 1805-1990MHz 
-3G: 2110-2170MHz
-4G(Wimax): 2345MHZ-2400 MHz
Power supply:AC adapter(AC110/220V-DC27V)
Shielding Radius: (20-100) meters@-75dBm still depends on the signal strength in given area.
Total output power: 70W
Product Notes
Make sure to connect all the antennas firstly before the power supply is switched on. Please do not take off antenna when the machine is working.
Antenna shall be used vertically to the ground for working more efficiently.    Please don't put the jammer in the bad Condition of over-wet,over-hot, high voltage and high magnetism.
The jammer shall be installed in the position with good ventilation, and large-scale things shall be avoided to ensure the shielding effect.
This product is only work for 4G Wimax Signals ,cannot block iPhone 4S, as it is 4G LTE. if you want the Jammer for 4G LTE, please pay attention to High Power Cell Phone Jammer for 4G LTE with Omni-directional Antenna 70W (****).
Power adaptor

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