2017 Lithium-Ion Battery Kit Portable High Capacity Signal for mJoQrzQhuvJxw for hidden.

Product Description

In order to keep sufficient power, some of people will choose a spare battery for their jamming device. And then a Lithium-Ion Battery for Portable High Capacity Jammer is a good spare battery for you. It is a 7.4V voltage and 1800mAh capability battery, which can keep your jammer working. If you lose or damage the original battery, the spare battery is your best choice. With this battery you don’t need to worry about the power off.

This Lithium-Ion battery is suitable for JASM110801, JASM1110803, JASM1110817, JASM110818, JASM110819, JASM110828, JASM110829, JASM110830 and JASM110831, JASM110836, JASM110838,JASM110881 and JASM110857. Long lasting feature can keep your jammer device running anytime you want to use it. Powerful and convenient one can be taken with you. Anytime you find your jammer device out of energy, you can pick it out and put it into the slot.

Keep a Lithium-Ion Battery for your Portable High Capacity Jammer; it will help you a lot! Just put it into your cart! Here you go!




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