2016 Trolley Box UAV Drone Jammer with Directional Antenna kdthPrshJ hot sales.

Product Description:

The drone Defender is an operating system with high mobility that can block drones.With a trolley box design, It's very easy to carry even it's a little heavy. It can meet the needs of all types of rally, military and police field movement, individual outdoor patrol, public security or sudden group events.

With built-in large capacity battery this powerful drone killer can work continuously more than 1 hour.It also has a guns-exterior directional antenna which can help you shoot the drones.



Waterproof and durable

High power with wide jamming radius

Equipped with directional gun antenna



Frequencies Supported: WIFI :2400-2485MHz ;GPS:1560-1580Mhz ; 5.8Ghz

Power Supply: AC power adapter and Internal battery

Working temperature: - 20 ° C ~ + 65 ° C

Total Output:120W Maximum

Weight :19kg

Humidity:30% -95% (non-condensing)

Dimension:510x470x300 mm


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