15W High Power 4G (Lte+Wimax)+ GPS + Lojack + Wifi Signal Scrambler 50 Meters

Main Features:

  • Jamming Device: Cell Phone,GPS,Lojack,Wifi
  • Jamming Signal: 4G Lte Wimax,3G,GPS,Lojack,Wifi,GSM,CDMA,DCS,PCS
  • Jamming Area: 5 - 50 Meters in diameter
  • Specifications:

  • Jamming Frequency:

    4G(LTE): 725-770MHZ OR 790-825MHz;

    4G(WIMAX):2345- 2400MHZ OR 2620-2690MHZ;

    3G : 2110-2170MHZ;

    GPS: 1570-1580MHz

    LOJACK: 167-175MHZ

    WIFI 2.4G:2400-2500MHz


    GSM: 925-960MHz;

    DCS: 1805-1880MHz;

    PCS: 1920-1990MHz;

  • Jamming Area: 5 - 50 Meters in diameter depending on signal strength and working environment
  • Total Output Power: 15W
  • Power Supply:AC100-240V DC12V
  • Size: Antennas off - 240mm×210mm×51mm(L x W x D)
  • Weight: 3.6KG
  • Package Included:

  • 1pc 15W High Power 4G (Lte+Wimax)+ GPS + Lojack + Wifi Signal Scrambler 50 Meters
  • 1pc Power Adapter (100-240V)
  • 1pc Car Charger
  • 1pc Manual(if not included, please send email to ask for it)
  • Important Notice

  • The item is for Legal Use only!
  • 15W High Power 4G (Lte+Wimax)+ GPS + Lojack + Wifi Signal Scrambler 50 Meters
    15W High Power 4G (Lte+Wimax)+ GPS + Lojack + Wifi Signal Scrambler 50 Meters
    15W High Power 4G (Lte+Wimax)+ GPS + Lojack + Wifi Signal Scrambler 50 Meters
    15W High Power 4G (Lte+Wimax)+ GPS + Lojack + Wifi Signal Scrambler 50 Meters
    15W High Power 4G (Lte+Wimax)+ GPS + Lojack + Wifi Signal Scrambler 50 Meters
    15W High Power 4G (Lte+Wimax)+ GPS + Lojack + Wifi Signal Scrambler 50 Meters

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