Best K3 1080p HD Hidden Drinking Water Bottle Spy Nanny DVR Camera Camcorder 180mins £68.88 2017 Motion Detection bottle camera K3 slbtss_Ykthre 50% discount.

  • Best K3 1080p HD Hidden Drinking Water Bottle Spy Nanny DVR Camera Camcorder 180mins £68.88 2017 Motion Detection bottle camera K3 slbtss_Ykthre 50% discount

WATER BOTTLE HIDDEN CAMERA: You can use it anytime and anywhere for unattended monitoring when you want to monitor all the people and things. You just need to click the button to start or stop recording.

It also has motion detection function, so automatic recording will start when motion is detected. In standby mode you can double click the button to enable this mode. It can greatly save your storage space when enable this function.

It looks exactly like any other bottle of water but it also contains a built in camera. Bottled water is so common these days that nobody pays any attention to them.

LONG BATTERY LIFE: The built-in battery can provide continuous 2.5-hours shooting hour in full charge. There is a charger coming with the package and it only takes one hour to fully charge it.

SAFETY AND CONCEALMENT: This plastic bottle camera can be filled with drinking water. It is made of food grade PET material, which can withstand temperature up to 60? (140?). You can even drink the water while shooting, which can improve the concealment for your shooting.

STORAGE CAPABILITY: You can install micro SD card to start the recording and there is no built-in memory for this nanny camera. It can support up to 64G capacity memory card which can record up to 9-10 hours at 1080p @ 30fps. Memory card needs to be purchased seperately.

Easy to operate:
Press on/off button 2 seconds to turn on
Press the on/off to start recording
Press on/off again to stop recording
Double press button 5 times and blue light flash to open motion detection

Specifications :

Camera view angel : 72 degrees
Video Format : AVI
Video Resolution : 1920*1080 @ 30fps
Storage : External memory, maximum storage up to 64GB memory
Battery Capacity : 400mAh high capacity rechargeable lithium battery
Voltage : DC 5V/2A

Package Includes:
1x Bottle Body(No Memory Card)
1x Camera Body
1x Cap
1x USB Cable
1x User Manual
1x Charger("US Standard" or "Europe Standard" according to your shipping country.)


1. Please kindly set the exact time on TXT file before using to avoid time stamp mismatch
2. Water bottle uses the high quality food grade PET materials to resist high temperature up to 140 degree F.
3. Put the memory card into hidden camera before used.

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