2017 High Power DCS1800 Mobile Phone Signal Booster Device eYohekdr 20% discount.

Product Description

Have you ever suffered such thing? Many times, you have to face the bad signal strength problem un-willingly. But now due to the advanced technology, you couldn’t face to the lower signal strength. A mobile phone signal booster has got rid of all problems.

A cell phone booster is a device, which use to amplify the lower signal strength to full and high signal strength in a weak area. With nowadays advanced technology, the amplify range can be reach 1000 square meters. And this device is used for amplify the signal for DCS1800 signals. More detailed information, please refer to the product specifications and features.

You can now install a cell phone signal booster at any place you want to use. The signal boosters lead to reduced dropped calls and even help you to extend your cell phone range. If your cell phone provide for a weak network, this signal booster could be resolve your annoyances and get stronger signals. It is an optimal choice for you.

Notes: Long range Mobile Phone Signal Repeater! Up to 1000 square meters!
This device is for DCS1800 signals only. Please check frequency your country uses before purchasing.


  • Frequency range:

-Up link DCS 1710-1785(MHz)

-Downlink 1805-1880(MHz)

  • Coverage:Up to 1000m2 (Distance will be reduced when obstacles are in the way i.e. surrounding walls)
  • Gain(dB):
  • -DCS Up link   53
  • DCS Downlink  58
  • Gain adjustable range: MGC≥30dB
  • Pass band ripple: DCS:15 dB
  • I/0 impedance: 50V/N Connector
  • I/0 return loss: ≤- 10 dB
  • Noise igure: ≤- 8 dB
  • Intermodulation attenuation(Po=13dBm): ≥40dBc
  • Transmission Delay: ≤0.5us
  • Guard band rejection :
  • -DCS (BW-58dB) ≤104MHz ,(BW-60dB) ≤107MHz
  • Power supply: AC110~220V±10%  45~55Hz
  • Dimensions: Signal Booster: 158 x 136 x 37 mm (L x W x D)
  • Reliabiity: To zhe GB6993-86 standard
  • Electromasnetic compatibility: To zhe ETS300 694-4 standard
  • Color:Grey

Accessories :

  • Signal Booster
  • Indoor Antenna
  • Outdoor Antenna
  • Power Adapter
  • Coaxial Cable 2M
  • Coaxial Cable 10M
  • Indoor Antenna Accessories and Screws


Note:Please be clear about which frequency you want to boost. You must check your local Mobile Frequency range and choose the booster as per your required Frequency. Please check your country’s Mobile Frequency here. http://worldtimezone.net/gsm.html

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