Wholesales WiFi Mini Signal Blocker wkQtlvnhYwunnetkPaQQ for ebay.

  • Wholesales WiFi Mini Signal Blocker wkQtlvnhYwunnetkPaQQ for ebay

tDescription" id="ProductDescription">

Product Description

This is a WiFi blocker model that can easily be concealed in the pocket.  Just like a phone, it runs on a standard Nokia cell battery, which is up to two hours of continuous use on a single charge.  There are four possible ways to charge this deck sized device, and a dark green case to hold it.

On the go? There's the car charger.  Staying in a hotel room? You can use the outlet.  If you're unable to find access to these traditional chargers, the USB slot will also keep it charged and operational.  When the green light turns on, 10 meters (33 feet) around the device will jam the WiFi signals, and it's lightweight enough for those who are always on the move to barely notice the weight in their pockets.

- Up to 2 hours continuous use on full charge
- Standard Nokia type battery (included)
- Standard Nokia type charger (included)
- Outlet charger (included)
- USB charger (included)
- Car charger (included)
- Dark green case
- Light is red while charging, green when in use
- Automatic shut down to avoid overcharging

*Note: Initial charge of 12 hours required.


Our most popular wifi jammer model.  Be sure to see our professional walkie talkie jammer also found in this category.


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