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Technologies 4G Jammer Portable 6 Band taJwfmczcdYlr NavtechGPS.

  • tDescription" id="ProductDescription">

    Product Description

    6 Band Handheld 4G Signal Jammer

    This is our best selling portable 4G signal jammer - be sure to see our new PRO Version as well.

    With 6 channels you get complete cellular coverage (custom tuning available upon request).

    Sturdier antennas provide additional durability during field operations.

    The charging light turns from red (while charging) to green (full charge reached) for a quick visual display of charging status.

    Individual channel on/off selector switches allow you to choose which channels are blocked, and a top mounted LED display confirms your choices.


    700-800 MHz (4G)

    850-965 MHz (GSM)

    1800-1990 MHz (PCS)

    2100-2170 MHz (3G)

    2400-2500 MHz

    2500-2700 MHz

    Used extensively by special operators in danger zones, this reliable unit can provide a secure environment in your surroundings. Purchase yours today and provide yourself with an extra layer of security.

    Our 1 year warranty and excellent customer service give you peace of mind with your purchase.


    The Signal Jammer Service

    • FREE Shipping
    • Rock Bottom Pricing
    • Limited Lifetime Warranty
    • PCI Certified SAFE and Secure Checkout
    • Full HTTPS on Our Entire Website for Your Protection


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