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Online store Multifunction Jammer Phone Signal Cell 6 Bands 2G 3G 4G WiFi GPS limJbrPnailscdfdeei_ 20% discount.

  • Online store Multifunction Jammer Phone Signal Cell 6 Bands 2G 3G 4G WiFi GPS limJbrPnailscdfdeei_ 20% discount
Mobile Phone and Wifi Jammer Best Manufacture with Professional Drone Blocker,Best Way for Anti Tracking,Government VIP Protection and Educational Facilities Jammer for Sale
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Product Informations

All kinds of examination room, gas stations, churches, courts, libraries, conference centers, theaters, hospitals, military power and other places prohibit the use of mobile phones.

Product Features:
1.All frequency mobile phone signal jammer, it is the first choice for school / examination room / prison / office and other places.
2.Using efficient cooling technology, built-in 6 cooling fans, the device can work long hours.

1.The jammers are customized according to the frequency bands of different countries, please confirm that the purchase country and the actual use country are consistent. Otherwise it can not be used.Please read the jammer function before purchasing.
2.If the low power jammers(such as handheld jammers) to blocker high power signal device(such as high-power WIFI router, Bluetooth audio equipment, etc.), the effect will be poor or even can not jammer.
3.It is forbidden to use while charging.
4.Do not use handheld jammers as desktop jammers.
5.Do not use jammers before connecting the antenna.

Technical Specifications

Parameter Name Parameter Details
Model 8341CA-6B
Jamming frequencies CDMA: 870-880MHz
GSM: 930-960MHz
DCS/PHS: 1805-1918MHz
3G/4G: 2010-2145MHz
VHF: 135-174MHz or 315MHz / 433MHZ
UHF: 400-470MHz or 420-480MHz or 450-470MHz
Jamming radius Up to 40 meters
Power supply Built-in battery
Voltage AC220V, DC12V
Operating temperature -10℃ to +50℃
Operating humidity 5% to 80%
Device size 140mm*51mm*305mm
Device weight 2500 g

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