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Technologies Latest Held Portable High Power GSM DCS PCS Blocker 3G Cell Phone Wifi GPS Multifunction Jammer CDMA lJcPPQfziesekesm for ebay.

  • Technologies Latest Held Portable High Power GSM DCS PCS Blocker 3G Cell Phone Wifi GPS Multifunction Jammer CDMA lJcPPQfziesekesm for ebay
  • Do you still think that owning a cell phone jammer that can both 2G 3G 4G signal is a dream? Then with the  Latest Hand Held Portable High Power GSM DCS PCS CDMA 3G Cell Phone Wifi GPS Multifunction Jammer Blocker being invented, this goal can be achieved.

    Besides jamming the gsm dcs pcs cdma 3g signals at the same time, it also owns the ability to block wifi gps signals as well. This is really the most perfect and powerful jamming device by now. Besides which frequency band you want to choose is depend on yourself, if you do not want to block one or two frequency bands you can just close them, keep others open.

    And at the same time the cell phone jammer can still work as well to jamming other frequency bands signals. And depending on the cell phone signal length, the jamming range can reach 15 meters Max.What wonderful functions it owns!

    Another big merit of this portable cell phone jammer you should pay attention is that with a car charger it can be used in the car which give you more convenience.

    Besides it owns cooling fan, so the working temperature of it won’t be high. If so no matter in hot summer and cold winter it can works as well. In a word, this is really a perfect cell phone jammer no matter seen from the function, the price and the quality.

    More important, it use the 100% original chip set, so it has better quality and jamming capacity !

    Are you attracted? If you are looking for a jamming device like this, do not hesitate, just take action and add this perfect portable cell phone jammer to your cart.

    Specifications Isolating Signal Bandwidth:






    -Wifi : 2400-2500MHZ

    -GPS : 1500-1600MHZ

    Power Supply: 50 / 60 Hz / AC 100 ~ 240V /DC12V,3A

    Battery: Li- ion battery DC7.4V/2600mA/h Continue using time: Around 60 minutes

    Total output power: 1.5W J

    amming Range: Up to 15M (depend on cell phone signal Length)

    Size: L126 x W76 x H35 mm (Not included Antenna)

    Weight: 352g

    Color: Black


    Jammer x 1pcs

    Antennas x 5pcs

    Car Charger x 1pcs

    AC Charger x 1pcs

    Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer's reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc. We will adjust the CDMA / GSM/ DCS/ PCS for you base on your country signal frequency.


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