Jenise's Jammers

phone jammers|Ultra Power Jammer m_viYYrutlmse_lhQimz.

  • phone jammers|Ultra Power Jammer m_viYYrutlmse_lhQimz

Introducing the ultra high power phone jammer; the most sophisticated digital cell phone jammer of its class, with tough aluminium casing, forced air dual inter cooler, and adjustable power output up to 20 Watts per band and up to 5 bands available on request.

This unit is ideal for large to hall-type rooms or for outdoor locations (eg. prisons, courts of law, embassies, military installations, etc.).

Supplied with a directional patch or omni dipole type antenna.

Now available 12 Vdc vehicle kit with magnetic mount antennas.

* not available to USA and EU (only authorized government users).

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