Buy Portable Cell Phone and GPS Jammer afxcudJJrwvi NavtechGPS.

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Product Description

One of our most popular combination units, this powerful GPS and mobile jammer will silence all nearby mobile phones, and block GPS signals, up to 25 meters away (this depends as always on local signal strength).

An excellent combination of both cell phone and GPS jamming, it can provide you with peace of mind and security by creating a transmission free zone around you.

The device can is easily concealed in a pocket, purse, or backpack, and is ideal for meeting rooms, restaurants, examination rooms, or anywhere you want to avoid the distraction or interference of cellular calls.  Since it will also disable any GPS tracking devices that may be on your person or vehicle, your movements become unrestricted.

All jammers get hot, and portable units are designed for intermittant rather than constant ON use.  If your application requires constant use you may want to consider the  Cell Phone and GPS Jammer PRO model, which has a built in cooling fan.

A rechargeable Ni-MH battery and universal chargers are included.

*This unit does not block 4G signals.   If you need 4G coverage as well as GPS please see our TSJ-121TG or our most powerful TSJ-P1088


Range: Aprox. 15-25 Meters

Dimensions: 11x6x3cm (LxWxD)

Wall charger included

Car charger included


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  • Rock Bottom Pricing
  • Limited Lifetime Warranty
  • PCI Certified SAFE and Secure Checkout
  • Full HTTPS on Our Entire Website for Your Protection

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