Wholesales Spy Cell Jammer in Delhi Phone Spy Cell Jammer in India cP_nvnQ_irQcvYo for hidden.

  • Wholesales Spy Cell Jammer in Delhi Phone Spy Cell Jammer in India cP_nvnQ_irQcvYo for hidden

Product Details

Portable powerful mobile phone jammer. Its featured by portable handhold sizeand strong output power. Each band power is 25dBm, its triple of regular mini portable jammers. The universal design ensures you use JAM04 to block worldwide mobile phone signal easily. The powerful mobile phone jammer is buildin 2600mAh rechargable batteries. Battery life is 2~3 hours. You can use the powerful jammer and recharge battery when plug in to power adaptor. After turns on powerful mobile phone jammer, the cellphones in 10~15 meters radius will loss signal. If the mobile phone is in phone conversation, it will drop link 30 seconds later.


Outstanding stronger output power, each band 25dBm
Most powerful portable size mobile jammer
Blocks average 10 meters
Enhanced strong rubber antennas
With air slots
Works on power adaptors directly
12 months quality warranty
JMP Jammer Applications
Applicable for business meeting room, museum, gallery, theatre, concert hall, church, temple, restaurant, * classroom, training center, factory, bank, train, bus, etc.
Ideal for using in the locations of special purpose such as hospital, gas station and so on.
Frequency (European) GSM900, GSM1800, 3G
Frequency (American) GSM850, GSM1900, 3G
Output Power 75 dbm
Typical Coverage 5-15 meters (depends on signals)
Power Source Battery and power adaptors
Working Current 1000 - 1200 mA
Battery Lithium-ion battery 8.4V 2600mAh
Battery life 2-2.5hours, recharge 2.5 hours
Power Adaptor AC adaptor 110-250V 12VDC 2000mA
Car adaptor 12V 12VDC 2000mA
Antenna Interface 3xStrong rubber SMA antenna 3db
Dimensions (LxWxD) 110/189 x 63 x 34.5mm
Weight Jammer 280gm, package 0.8kg
Operationg Temp 0-50 degree
Humidity 5% - 80%


The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer's reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.

Package Contents

Power consume:1 W
weight: 300G
Dimension: 110(L) ×62(W) × 30(H)mm

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