phone blocker|Creative Design Portable Cellphone + Wifi+3G Jammer uPehJnlsdzzxsPYk.

  • phone blocker|Creative Design Portable Cellphone + Wifi+3G Jammer uPehJnlsdzzxsPYk

The Sorrows of Young Werther was regarded as one of the most important novels of European romanticism and worthy to read. Not only Young Werther had his own sorrows but now the Starbucks faces the same problem. More consumers show inclination to surf the internet through Wi-Fi that Starbucks offers for thier customers so lots of person come here for Wi-Fi but without any consumption. Our Wi-Fi jammer would mkaes it no sorrows of Starbucks!

RF Frequency : 925--960MHz,1805-1880MHz,3G,Wifi(2400-2500MHz) (Europe Market)

Advantages : 1.Highly portable. Easy to carry. 

                       2.Palm Sized

                       3. Highly efficient jamming effect by the high power of 3Watt design.

                       4. Car adaptor available.

                       5. Optional cover to make the jammer more convenient to carry.

Color : Black 

Working Time : 60minuters 

Package Weight : 0.83kg/pcs 

Jamming Radius : Up to 15-20 meters (Signal ≤-75dBm) 

Output Power : 3W

Power supply : AC adapter (AC100-240V DC12V)

Dimension : 112 x 62 x 30 mm

Charger : Including Car charger and Charger Adapter


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