Jenise's Jammers

Play 0.4W-Mini L1 And GPS L2 Portable Jammer _vJuktthlntxeonav 20% discount.

  • Play 0.4W-Mini L1 And GPS L2 Portable Jammer _vJuktthlntxeonav 20% discount

We like family time, we like friendship time as well as we like lover time! Nonetheless, the GPS makes trouble for all these! It break up all your happy hours! Do not be so angry! It will hurt yourself but with no help. Our Mini Portable GPS Jammer will be your to choice! It can block the GPS signals and let you enjoy your wonderful time!

RF Frequency : 1500-1600MHz ( GPS L1 ), 1200-1300MHz (GPS L2 )

Color : Light Brown 

Working Time of Input Battery: 150minuters 

Jamming Radius : Up to 2-10m(Signal ≤-75dBm) 

Output Power : 0.4W

Power supply : (AC220V DC5V)

Dimension : 95×45×18 mm

Weight : 68g/PCS

Charger : Including Car charger and Charger Adapter

All the parts warranty : 15 months

Delivery time : Within 3days


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