Jenise's Jammers

Top Mini Portable Cellphone & GPS J-260B J-260B £60.00 Jammer Gfus_zJbzllGhQlzne 50% discount.

  • Top Mini Portable Cellphone & GPS J-260B J-260B £60.00 Jammer Gfus_zJbzllGhQlzne 50% discount

RF Frequency: 850-960MHz; 1805-1990MHz; 1500-1600MHz (GPS L1)

Output Power: 0.4W

Power supply: (AC220V DC5V)

Dimension: 95×45×18 mm

Weight: 0.68kg/PCS

Color: Silvery 

Charger: Including Car charger and Charger Adapter

Working Time of Input Battery: 150minuters

Jamming Radius: Up to 2-8m(Signal ≤-75dBm) 

Supply Ability: 10,00pcs/month

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