Jenise's Jammers

Wholesales 4G Portable Compact Mobile Signal Blocker QeuYJlYmfPweYtbotr_ NavtechGPS.

  • Wholesales 4G Portable Compact Mobile Signal Blocker QeuYJlYmfPweYtbotr_ NavtechGPS

tDescription" id="ProductDescription">

Product Description

4G Portable Compact TSJ-4GCGW


The 4G portable compact TSJ-4GCGW is one of our best sellers.  Smaller than our professional models, it is perfect for someone who wants a smaller, slightly less powerful jammer that is both budget friendly and more easily concealed.

This cell jammer will block GSM / DCS / 3G / 4G / 4G LTE up to 20 meters.

Total output power is 2.5W



  • Jamms GSM / DCS / 3G / 4G / 4G LTE
  • Total output power: 2.5W
  • Coverage: Up to 20 Meters
  • Compact Size: 12 x 7 x 3 cm (without antennas - Antenna height 8cm)
  • Battery: 90 min average battery life
  • Vehicle Charger: Included
  • Individual bands can be turned on / off
  • Unit can operate while charging


Looking for a professional model or something more powerful?  Our Six Band 4G Portable and Six Band PRO are professional grade, very powerful alternatives.


The Signal Jammer Service

  • FREE Shipping
  • Rock Bottom Pricing
  • Limited Lifetime Warranty
  • PCI Certified SAFE and Secure Checkout
  • Full HTTPS on Our Entire Website for Your Protection

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