Jenise's Jammers

How to use Mother-board Cell Selectable Portable 3G 4G for phone & LoJack fsdnPYrezzJksnPG for hidden.

  • How to use Mother-board Cell Selectable Portable 3G 4G for phone & LoJack fsdnPYrezzJksnPG for hidden

Product Details

Product Description

In order to not affecting the normal using of the signal jammer once one part such as the antennas or the battery and main-board is broken, now the signal jammer accessories such as the main board, the antennas and so on are also for sale now. This Mother-board for Selectable Portable 3G 4G Cell phone & LoJack Jammer that you are viewing is jammer main board to help people.


  • Mother-board for Selectable Portable 3G 4G Cell phone & LoJack Jammer(JM170183)


  • Mother-board for Jammer

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