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    • 2016 Bloqueador de Sinal Celular por Seguranca Publica iJGbxskc_zsso NavtechGPS

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Product Description

O bloqueador de celular e comum para bancos, presídios, prédios juridicos e quartels.  Com 210W de poder, o TSJ-210W-Outdoor pode fornecer cobertura ate 500M (dependendo do sinal no local).

Necessario pela segurança e defesa da policia, militar, e predios do governo, o bloqueador de celular tem uso frequentamente em pres í dios.  presidio bloqueador imagen

Os presidios poderão receber dois tipos de bloqueadores: o gerador de ruídos (jamming) e simulador de estação de rádio base.  Será feito um estudo em cada presídio, para identificar qual sistem sera melhor.  

Click imagen pra ver como funcionam os bloqueadores nos presídios.

The Signal Jammer e conhecido em America Latina como lider de forecedor de bloqueadores.

Quer saber mais? Entra em contato

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We are the best, most reliable and trustworthy among the vendors of cell phone jammers that you may find. With us you can be totally sure to have the best customer’s service, respect and quality guarantee on all our products. It is no matter when and where you need a Signal Jammer you can always count on us as your 100% secure and stable supplier. We have a wide variety of cell phone jammers to offer you. Jamming equipment may be of different sizes, colors and mechanical specifications to fit any requirements that you may have. We would manufacture the cell phone jammers that would exactly fit you in every way. Being professional, different catalogs jammer products are provides and for sale here, such as the mobile phone jammers, walkie talkie;radio jammer , WiFi/Bluetooth jammers, remote control jammers, RF signal jammer and so on.

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