Product Description

For the jammers that has antennas if the antennas are broken, then of course the jammers will not be able to work as normal as before. But what can people do to solve the problem. Is the only way to solve the problem is buy a new jammer? This is the best method now, as now there are antennas for signal blockers now, and just here this 6pcs Replacement Antennas for High Power Cell Phone RF Signal Jammer is coming to help people that the jammer antennas are broken.

But what people need to observe is that for different jammers the antennas that they use are also different as well and for this 6pcs Replacement Antennas for jammer is suitable for the 6 Antenna Cell Phone Jammer & RF Jammer(JASM170134) only. Thus only using this new set of cell phone jammer antennas soon the high power 6 antennas cell phone RF jammer can back to normal work soon. Thus as you have no need to gain the new jammer so that you can save an amount of money in this way. So if you are looking for the jammer antennas for your high power cell phone RF signal jammer, then you can just come here and get this 6pcs antennas for jammer as the replacement.


  • Antennas for Jammer model JASM170134


  • 6pcs Replacement Jammer Antennas



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