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Product Description:

The 16 band signal jammer is very powerful for it can nearly interfere with the 100-2700MHz signals,which means any tools that use these signals will be jammed if you use the jammer. And its jamming radius is up to 70 meters. Thus it's very suitable to use in the court,classroom,meeting room and church ,etc.



Powerful output

Good cooling system with cooling fan inside

Stable capability



Frequencies Supported:CDMA GSM DCS PCS UMTS GPS WIFI (2.4G) VHF UHF 4G LTE 4G 315MHz GPS(L2-L5),etc

Each Band Detail:

1:130-200MHz ,2:200-300MHz , 3:300-400MHz ,4:400-500MHz ,

5:800-900mhz, 6:900-980mhz, 7:1050-1200MHz, 8:700-800mhz or 790-862MHz,

9:1200-1390MHz , 10: 1500-1600mhz , 11:1700-1800MHz , 12:1800-2000Mhz ,

13:2100-2199MHz , 14.:2300-2400Mhz, 15:2400-2500mhz , 16:2500-2700MHz

Output Power: 33-38W

Operating Range:  up to 50-70 meters (depending on the signal strength in the given area)

Power supply: 50 to 60Hz, 100 to 240V AC

Dimensions :470x 420 x 115mm

Packing Weight:6kg


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