Online store Jammer to and LoJack 4G prevent radio zbfYQxdvuobeteGvedbe for ebay.


  Isolating Signal Bandwidth:
-4G (LTE)
-4G (Wimax) 2345MHZ – 2400 MHz
-XM2.3G 2320MHZ – 2345 MHz
-Lojack: 160MHz-175MHz

*Blocking Power: 77dbm
*Covered Radius: 5-15 meters
*Power Sources: Power adapters and battery
*Current Strength: 1000-1200mA
*Battery Information: Li-ion 8.4V 2600mAh, can work 2-2.5 hours, recharge needs 2.5 hours
*Power Adapters Info: AC110~250V 12VDC 2000mA and car 12V~12VDC 2000mA
*Antennas Data: 2 x SMA (strong rubber), 1 x VHF (longer), 1 x VHF longest (spare)
*Product Size Data: 110 / 189x63x34.5mm
*Weight Information: 280g jammer, 800g total package
*Admissible Temperature: 0 to 50 degrees (Celsius)
*Admissible Air Humidity: 5% to 80%

Jammer for LoJack, 4G and XM radio x 1
AC adaptor x 1
Car adaptor x 1
Antennas x 3
Portable Jammer Case x 1
User Manual x 1

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