2016 Chinajiaho.com Isolator Portable Car GPS Signal Jammer Mini Anti Signal Tracker JQYPzvxif_cJwdmJxox for sale.

Plugs into lighter socket and begins working instantly. The GPS blocker prohibits all GPS-enabled device from tracking your current location. It has high gain removeable jammer antenna.

Main Features:

  • Mini car GPS signal jammer
  • Isolating Signal Bandwidth: GPS 1500MHZ-1600MHZ (Please kindly note if it is applicable to your country)
  • Attached with a power button
  • Typical Coverage: 2~10 Square Meters (depend on your local signal intensity)
  • High quality and perfect design
  • High gain removeable jammer antenna
  • Super compact design
  • Dimension: 105*70*30mm
  • operating voltage:12V DC

Car GPS Jammer Portable GPS Jammer Portable Jammer Mini Jammer

Use Note:

  • This jammer blocker fits for small vehicle only, large vehicle such as truck is not recommended. Please plug the jammer blocker into car's lighter socket after engine's started.
  • If your GPS antenna is installed outside of the car, then it won't work. It only works on those GPS antenna inside of the car!

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