Jenise's Jammers

mobile phone jammer|Wireless / / Camera Jammer J-240C £134.00 Bluetooth fQfmadhu_o.

RF Frequency: 1000-1100MHz, 1100-1300MHz, 2400-2500MHz

Advantage :
1. Highly portable. Easy to carry.
2. Palm Sized
3. Highly efficient jamming effect by the high power of 2.7Watt design.
4. Car adaptor available.
5. Optional cover to make the jammer more convenient to carry.

Output Power: 2.7W Power supply: AC adapter (AC100-240V DC12V)
Dimension: 112 x 62 x 30 mm
Charger: Including Car charger and Charger Adapter
Working Time : 90minuters
Jamming Radius: Up to 15-20 meters (Signal ≤-75dBm)
Package Weight: 0.68kg/pcs Color: Black
Supply Ability: 10,00pcs/month

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