Online store High-power DDS Multi-band Jamming System VIP JAM5 China Manufacturer Bomb Surveillance Equipment Security & Protection ifJcoQxtYko for hidden.

  • Online store High-power DDS Multi-band Jamming System VIP JAM5 China Manufacturer Bomb Surveillance Equipment Security & Protection ifJcoQxtYko for hidden


Based on its modular design and configuration our digital jammer can be easily operated, upgraded, serviced, repaired and adapted to its required use.

Digital Jammer modules can be changed easily and quickly just as changing the mobile phone battery. Different jamming frequency bands can be configured as the customers required immediately.

Frequency Range

25-2500MHz  25-3600MHz  25-6000MHz

Total RF Power

250Watt,  Max: 300Watt

Jammer Module Number


Channel Frequency Number

15Bands, Max: 20Bands

Cooling System

Systematic Smart Cooling System

System Protection

VSWR, Over-voltage, Over-current,

Jamming Source

Digital Signal Source Synthesize Technology

Adjust Frequency and Output Watt

Remote Control

Full System Operation Control With Battery Led display

Antenna Type

High Gain Omnidirectional Antennas

Number of Antennas


Built in Battery


Jammer Module

Each Jammer module with antenna can be used as a single jammer. 
All modules are controlled separately.

Jammer Size

56.5 x 46 x 27cm

Jamming System Weight


Operating Temperature Range


Operating Humidity

Up to 80%

WF-VIP JAM5 is design with a wired remote control unit,facilitating the operator to manage each module in any situation. This remote control unit can also display both internal and external battery level as well as built-in power supplies’ working status. 

DDS software interface is quite simply. The operators just move the mouse and then he can set up working frequency bands and output power of the modules. Each module can be up to 4 channels output at most. 

Bomb disposal squads, VIP protection, Special Police (S.W.A.T), military security forces, bomb squads, anti-terror units, anti-drug units, border control units, checkpoint personnel, these types of law enforcement personnel who benefit greatly from the deployment of any of these best-in-class portable RF jamming solutions.

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