Jenise's Jammers

Best 80W Shockproof and Shatter-resistance Wireless Jammer dfzYeol_htou hot sales.

Product Description
This 80W Shockproof and Shatter-resistance Wireless Jammer is the most advanced high efficiency cell phone and satellite signal jammer in the whole world which is professionally designed for bomb disposal and VIP protection like during battle and security safeguard. This certain jammer can block signals in five different frequencies at the same time or separately.
  It adopts the most top-level military protective housing design which is effective in shockproof and shatter-resistance.
The blocking frequencies including all the cell phone and satellite frequencies.
Total power: 80W
Application fields:
Bomb disposal and military automobile allocation;
Field operations;
Special troops;
VIP protection;
Bandit suppression.

At a Glance ...
Total power output 80W
Work time 2hours
Its top cooling device enables a continuous use under tough weather
It's lightweight and portable, the gross packed weight around 28KG.
High power radio-frequency amplifier and voltage standing wave ratio, self-protection of temperature.
The number of the Frequency bands: Up to 5 bands
List of frequency bands per customer choice
(up to 5 can be selected),Cellular phones standards
-CDMA/TDMA+Nextel (851-894 MHz),
-AMPS (869-894MHz),
-GSM (925-960 MHz),
-High GSM/DCS (1805-1880 MHz),
-PCS/GSM1900 [+PHS] (1930-1990 MHz),
-UMTS (3G) (2110-2170 MHz)
Computer communication standards 2.4Ghz
-WLAN Bluetooth Wi-Fi.
Satellite communication systems
-Thuraya Iridium Elipso Inmarsat GlobalStar
-Aces Odyssey GPS
CDMA450 Cellphone System
-(430-450/460-470 MHz)
Output watt: 80watt,12 -20wat/ band
Power Consumption:Max: 480W
Power supply voltage:~230VAC / ~110VAC
Power Adjustment: 16 levels
Battery Full charge: work time 2 hours
Blocking Range Radius: Up to 180 meters ( signal strength <=-75dbm at the application place.)
Housing: Metal enclosure
The Product Size: without antenna: 56*45.5*26.5 CM
Weight of the jammer: Up to 28KG
Humidity: Up to 80%
Operation temperatures: -10° … +50° C
Control: Wireless Management Control by Computer
Cooling system: Active “smart” with integrated incoming air filter
Antennae type: External high gain directional (standard)
Antenna gain: 3-4 dBi (Omni directional antenna, no cable )
The accessories of this jammer include:
Power cable
User manual

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