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2016 Portable GPS/WiFi/3G/4G Mobile Phone Signal Blocker Jammer Sale eoafG_hc 20% discount.

  • Product Description:

    If you are finding a convenient tool to protect your privacy,the 6 bands handheld cell phone signal jammer is your choice. It is very small and easy to carry. No matter where you go,you can keep this jammer.It can effectively jam the GSM,3G signals.Besides,you can choose it to disturb the 4G or GPS/WiFi frequencies.


    1.Handheld,easy to carry

    2.Multi-futional,3 configurations for you

    3.Wide jamming frequencies


    Frequencies Supported:

    GSM850 : 850-894Mhz

    GSM900 : 925-960Mhz

    GSM1800 : 1805-1880Mhz

    GSM1900 : 1920-1990Mhz

    GPS : 1560-1570 MHz

    3G  : 2110-2170 MHz

    4G LTE  : 725-770 MHz / 790-825 MHz

    4G Fréquence : 2345-2400 MHz / 2620-2690 MHz

    Please be attention that the frequencies you can jam at the same time depend on what you choose with 6 bands mentioned above.

    Jamming radius : up to 20 meters

    Output power of one antenna: 3 watts

    Ambient temperature: -20- + 55 ℃

    Relative humidity: 30-95%

    Working time with one full charge: About 120 minutes

    Weight: 750g

    Dimension: 112 X 62 X 32 mm

    Battery: Ni-Mh 4000mAh, Built-in rechargeable battery


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