Product Details

Product Description

Do you feel annoyed when the antennas of the products become broken? Then you can look at this  6PCS Omni-Directional Antenna for  320W High Power Multi Band Jammer(JM110841) , which is designed for it and gives you more convenience once the antenna of the product is broken. So if you want to own a set of spare antenna for your product, you can just come and pick up this one.


  • Frequency Range:

-GSM1800 & PCS1900,1805-1990MHz

  • Input Impedance:50(Ω)
  • VSWR:<1.5
  • Gain:7dBi
  • HPBW(3dB):18°E-plane/14°E-plane
  • Maximum Power:200(W)
  • Polarization:Vertical Polarization
  • Connector Type:N-K
  • Lighting Protection:Direct Ground
  • Wind Velocity:200(km/h)
  • Height/Width/Depth:950(mm)/650(mm)/600(mm)
  • Hold Pole Diameter:Φ40-Φ50(mm)


  • 6PCS Omni-Directional Antennas

This product is in stock now, we guarantee shipping within 24 hours and offer 1 year warranty for all our products. Brought to you by the leader in security devices and best Signal Jammers, Jammerall.

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