
10PCS Anti-surge cartridge fuse for Mini GPS Jammer

Jammer Fuse Features:

  • Suitable for Jammer Model: augpsjammer150629004,   augpsjammer150629006  
  • Amps:1
  • Volts AC:220-380V
  • Length (mm):20.32 MilliMeters
  • Diam. (mm):5 MilliMeters
  • Diam. (in):0.2 Inches
  • Length (in.):0.8 Inches
  • Package Included:

  • 10PCS Anti-surge cartridge fuse for Mini GPS Jammer
  • 10PCS 20mm 1A Anti-surge cartridge fuse for Mini GPS Jammer
    10PCS 20mm 1A Anti-surge cartridge fuse for Mini GPS Jammer
    10PCS 20mm 1A Anti-surge cartridge fuse for Mini GPS Jammer
    10PCS 20mm 1A Anti-surge cartridge fuse for Mini GPS Jammer
    10PCS 20mm 1A Anti-surge cartridge fuse for Mini GPS Jammer
    10PCS 20mm 1A Anti-surge cartridge fuse for Mini GPS Jammer
    10PCS 20mm 1A Anti-surge cartridge fuse for Mini GPS Jammer

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