
Product Description

Effectively blocking the various cell phone signals, such as CDMA GSM DCS PCS 3G 4G, this 4G Cell Phone Signal Jammer - Portable High Power 3G 4G Cell Phone Jammer Blocker with Fan will cut off all unnecessary signals as you need. Compatible with different frequencies, this powerful cell phone jammer can be used around the world. No matter where you are now, you have the right to get the suitable one for your jamming life. Check out your local frequency and make your final decision.

Fed up with continuous dins of cell phones for a long time? No right for your private conversation or private life? Are you eager to get rid of such terrible situation? Now there is no time to waste now, come here to find what you need now.

Note: This product is only work for 4G Wimax Signals ,cannot block iPhone 4S, as it is 4G LTE.


  • Isolating Signal Bandwidth :
    • CDMA (851MHz-894MHz)
    • GSM (925MHz-960MHz)
    • DCS (1805MHZ-1880MHZ
    • PCS (1930MHZ-1990MHZ)
    • 3G (2110MHZ-2185MHZ)
    • 4G(Wimax): 2345MHZ 2400 MHZ
  • Automatic power switching power supply: 50 / 60 Hz / AC 100 ~ 240V transmitting to DC12V
  • Jamming range: Radius 5-15M (depend on cell phone signal Length)
  • Battery: Ni- ion battery DC3.7V/5200mA/h
  • Continue using time:Around 90 minutes
  • Size: L110 x W62 x H30 mm
  • Total output power: 1.2W
  • Weight: 300g
  • Color: Grey
Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer's reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.

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