Wholesales Medium Type EO0604 Drone Blocker 500m Radius kuiidlvhc 50% discount.

Product Description:

As a medium size drone jammer in jammer-buy.com,it's not that expensive like other big drone blockers.But still it has wide jamming radius which can be up to 500 meters(depending on the signal strength in given area).And the signals it can jam include WIFI , 868Mhz , 912Mhz ,433/434Mhz,GPS L1 and 5.8Ghz,which makes sure it can diable the mostly common used UAVs.

If you think you do not need so much powerful drone killers,this blocker is definitely your best choice in jammer-buy.



Wide jamming radius

Durable and easy to use



Frequencies Supported: WIFI ;868Mhz ;912Mhz ;433/434Mhz ;GPS L1; 5.8Ghz

Jamming Radius: 30-500 meters (depending on the signal strength in the given area)

Working temperature: - 20 ° C ~ + 65 ° C

Total Output:88W Maximum

Weight :10kg

Dimension:450 x 190 x 60mm


Package Contents:

*  Desktop Drone Jammer

* AC power adapter

* Antennas


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