tDescription" id="ProductDescription">

Product Description

TSJ-DJ-2040 Handheld Drone Jammer

A powerful handheld 28W total output handheld drone jammer that covers 4 channels and includes (custom tuning available):


  • WiFi 2400-2500 MHz (WiFi 11.b & g) : 8W  
  • WiFi 2400-2500 MHz (WiFi 11.b & g) : 8W  
  • 1560-1620 MHz (GPS L1 + Glonass L1) : 10W  
  • 5.7-.5.9 GHz (WiFi 11.a) : 2W


This unit features high portability and coverage from 60-300M depending on local conditions.  Tactiacal cover holster included. A powerful jammer in a high quality handset ideal for event protection. Get yours today!


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  • Rock Bottom Pricing
  • Limited Lifetime Warranty
  • PCI Certified SAFE and Secure Checkout
  • Full HTTPS on Our Entire Website for Your Protection

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© ATX Jammers 2017