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Introduce High Power Desktop Cell Phone With Jammer 2 Cooler Fans + Remote Control lQtcuzJfnPczvlJxoxr hot sales.

  • Introduce High Power Desktop Cell Phone With Jammer 2 Cooler Fans + Remote Control lQtcuzJfnPczvlJxoxr hot sales
  • Product Description

    This Desktop size Remote Control High Power phone jammer is mainly to block mobile phone signal to protect important event. This jammer is able to avoid the leakage of secret information through your mobile phone. Also it is a necessity for law enforcement and private places to interrupt communications by criminals and terrorists, and also for accomplishing a more cultured society.

    The adjustable features can make its effective jamming range be far or near as you want. The jammering rang is up to 25M. Easy installation process you can know from the manual directly.

    Pick one right now from Jammerall at factory direct price. If you want to enjoy more choices, please simply click the jammers and you will be satisfied.

    Desktop size Remote Control High Power phone jammer Technical Specifications:

    • Frequency for America: GSM850, GSM900, GSM1900 & W-CDMA 2110MHz
    • Frequency for Europe: CDMA800, GSM900, GSM1800 & UMTS 2110MHz
    • Isolation signal frequency:
      • CDMA: 850-894MHz
      • GSM: 925-960MHz
      • DCS: 1805-1880MHz
      • PCS 1930-1980MHz
      • 3G: 2110-2200MHz
    • Output Power: 4W
    • Typical Coverage: 5-25 meters (depends on signals)
    • Power Source: AC power adaptors
    • Working Current: 6 – 8A
    • Power Adaptor: AC adaptor 110-250V 5VDC 8000mA
    • Antenna Interface: 4xWhip Antenna SMA 3db
    • Dimensions (LxWxD): 213 x 170 x 41mm
    • Weight Jammer: 1900g
    • Operation Temp: 0-50 degree
    • Humidity: 5% – 80%


    • Adjustable High Power Signal Jammer
    • Detachable Antenna x4
    • Remote Control
    • Power Adaptor


    Important Notes for Jamming Distance: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer’s reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.

    Important Notes for Portable Jammers with No Cooling Fan: Do not use the jammer when it is charging, or it will burn the jammer as it has no built-in fan. If because of this factor due to the broken of the jammer, the customer will lose the authority of free repairation .


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