2017 8 Bands Handheld WiFi GSM 4G LoJack GPS Jammer Y_ecbworu 20% discount.

Product Description:

This handheld jammer has 8 antennas which means it can interfere with 8 frequencies at the same time.Now the jamming device can not only block the cell phone frequencies like GSM 3G 4G 4GLTE,but also the GPS WiFi  and LoJack.With the jammer you can stop the phone use and the GPS or LoJack tracking.


1.Multiple bands,wide jamming frequencies

2.High output power

3.Cooling fan inside

4.Could be used in car directly,with car charger and AC charger


Frequencies Supported:

-CDMA/GSM:850 - 960MHz  

-DCS/PCS:1805 - 1990MHz

-3G: 2110 -2170MHz     

-GPS:1570-1580 MHz   

-4G:2345- 2400MHZ  OR  2620-2690MHZ

-LOJACK:167 -175MHz

-4GLTE:725-770MHz OR 790-825 MHz

 -WIFI: 2400 -2485MHz


Total output power: 4W ,Small size design so the temperature is a bit higher

Jamming range: up to 20m, the jamming radius still depends on the strength signal in given area

Power supply: 50 to 60Hz, 100 to 240V AC

With AC adapter (AC100-240V-DC12V),4000mA/H battery

Dimension: 270x170x70mm

Full set weight: 1kg

With Built-in Battery:4000mA/h,Charge full time about 6Hours,Working time:1-2Hours.

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  • >> High Power Jammer
  • >> Cell Phone Jammer
  • >> GPS Jammer
  • >> GSM Jammer
  • >> WiFi Jammer
  • >> UHF VHF Jammer
  • >> Remote Control Jammer
  • >> Drone Jammer
  • >> Spy Camera Jammer
  • >> Military Jammer
  • >> Lojack 4G Jammer
  • >> Portable Jammer


  • >> Car Use
  • >> Personal Use
  • >> Office Use


  • >> Less than $100
  • >> $100-$200
  • >> $200-$300
  • >> $300-$400
  • >> $400-$500
  • >> More than $500
  • Store Introduction
  • My company is a leader of the radio frequencies blocking equipment industry. The quality of all our products is the top priority for us because we are not just dealing those electronic devices but manufacture them.
Our devices are meant to satisfy the needs of our customers in the most effective and reliable way and that is why we are constantly improving our productsand services. To make sure that you will get effectively working quality product we perform many different tests with our devices. Shop jammer-buy.com and find the best online deals on everything for your home and your family.