Introduce High Power 12 Jammer VHF Jamming Phone Bands cQoiG_wtv for ebay.

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Introduce High Power 12 Jammer VHF Jamming Phone Bands cQoiG_wtv for ebay.

Introduce High Power 12 Jammer VHF Jamming Phone Bands cQoiG_wtv for ebay.

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Payment Method: Credit Card,Bank Transfer,Western Union

Product Description:

This is a high power jammer with jamming radius up to 50-70 meters.As you can see,the blocker has 12 antennas,it can block  mobile phone signals GSM 3G 4G in America and WiFi GPS UHF VHF and 433/315/LoJack. You can use it in the movie theater,classroom,court,church and prison etc to stop phone use or other devices that use these signals.



Powerful output

Widest frequency range with 12 bands

Jamming radius up to 50-70 meters (depending on the signal strength in the given area)



Frequencies Supported:


GSM :930-960MHz

DCS:1805 -1880MHz



4G LTE (725-770 MHz) and 4G Wimax (2345-2400MHz)

VHF (135-174 MHz) and UHF (400-470MHz)

GPS (1570-1580MHz) and WIFI 2.4G (2400-2500MHz)

315 MHz or 433 MHz or LoJack

Please Note: The Powerful Jammer can jam up to 12 frequencies at the same time and  you can choose what you want in the configuration.

Transmit Power:25-30W

Operating Range:  up to 50-70 meters (depending on the signal strength in the given area)

Power supply: 50 to 60Hz, 100 to 240V AC

Dimensions :330x 238 x 60mm

Packing Weight:6kg


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