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  • 2017 Car GPS Jammer Specially for Avoiding Car Tracking ksJetYwilrmomuvmG for sale

Product Description: 

This portable GPS jammer can be mounted in the car and it is specially designed for the drivers to protect them from tracking. It is very small,easy to carry with the light weight. It needs to be plugged into electric lighter of your vehicle to use the accumulator of your car as the source of power.This GPS jammer can block the current GPS signal (GPS L1),so it can help you deal with the commonly used GPS trackers and protect your privacy.



Jam the current GPS satellite positioning signals

No effect to the normal use of mobile phones or other electronic equipment

Small size, light weight


Frequency Supported:1500-1600MHz

Effective Coverage (block radius) : 2-15 meters

Size: 95 x45x20 mm

Power Supply: Car cigarette lighter

Weight: 0.36 kg

Working Temperature: - 30 ~ 60 ℃

Relative Humidity: 5 ~ 95%

Storage Temperature: - 50 ~ 60 ℃

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