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Online store 5 Band 3G Mobile Phone Signal Jammer vodcnlab for hidden.

  • Online store 5 Band 3G Mobile Phone Signal Jammer vodcnlab for hidden
Mobile Phone and Wifi Jammer Best Manufacture with Professional Drone Blocker,Best Way for Anti Tracking,Government VIP Protection and Educational Facilities Jammer for Sale
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5 Band 3G Mobile Phone Signal Jammer

Main Features:

  • Jamming Device: Mobile Phone
  • Jamming Signal: 3G CDMA GSM DCS PCS
  • Jamming Area: 2 - 10 Meters in diameter
  • Specifications:

  • Jamming Frequency:

    3G : 2110-2170MHZ;


    GSM: 925-960MHz;

    DCS: 1805-1880MHz;

    PCS: 1920-1990MHz;

  • Jamming Area: 2 - 10 Meters in diameter depending on signal strength and working environment
  • Max Output Power: 1.5W
  • Power Supply:AC100-240V DC12V
  • Size: Antennas off - 110*62*30mm(L x W x D)
  • Weight:0.8KG
  • Package Included:

  • 1pc 5 Band 3G Mobile Phone Signal Jammer
  • 1pc Power Adapter (100-240V)
  • 1pc Car Charger
  • 1pc Manual(if not included, please send email to ask for it)
  • Important Notice

  • The item is for Legal Use only!
  • 5 Band 3G Mobile Phone Signal Jammer
    5 Band 3G Mobile Phone Signal Jammer
    5 Band 3G Mobile Phone Signal Jammer
    5 Band 3G Mobile Phone Signal Jammer
    5 Band 3G Mobile Phone Signal Jammer
    5 Band 3G Mobile Phone Signal Jammer
    5 Band 3G Mobile Phone Signal Jammer
    5 Band 3G Mobile Phone Signal Jammer

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