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Introduce Radio Frequency Detector for Camera ceYxhaiPtuYdztxeQmYG for sale.

  • Introduce Radio Frequency Detector for Camera ceYxhaiPtuYdztxeQmYG for sale
  • Product Details

    Product Description

    Radio Frequency Detector for Camera is the Camera Scanner which you can use to locate hidden cameras in your house, office or other important buildings. With the help of this Portable Camera Detector you can be always sure that no hidden video cams are concealed and installed secretly near you. But if they are installed, you will discover them very quickly and take them out. There are no spy cameras which can avoid the destiny of being discovered by it. Within five seconds of work it will scan all specified frequencies. If any hidden spy video camera is discovered, it will produce the alarm tune. Earphone port is used for sound output.

    It has been one member of the top list hot products here, you know the practical functions and reasonable price, and if you still out of this wonderful purchase, it is your time for getting back the luck belongs to you.



    • Power supply: 4*AAA battery (Not included)
    • Operate lamp-house: Red laser
    • Wavelength: 920nm
    • Multiple eyesight lens: 3times optical glass
    • Dimension: 101mm*52mm*33mm
    • Weight: 152g
    • Consume current: 80mA
    • Operation: right and left laser, selectable searching
    • Focus: adjustable


    • Radio Frequency Detector for Camera

    Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer's reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.


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