Product Description
  868W Broad Band Blocking System with  Omnidirectional Antennas, it's specially customized to accommodate a fully integrated broad band jamming system which provides the ultimate solution for Military and Police convoys or VIP protection.
RF Frequency Band ( MHz ):
RF Output Power( Watt )
-20-30MHz/Radio Control Toys, Analog phones&Alarms/45W
-30-50MHz/Radio Control Toys, Analog phones&Alarms/45W
-135-175MHz/Walky-talky ( VHF )/55W
-310-350MHz/Walky-talky ( UHF300 )/55W
-400-480MHz/Walky-talky ( UHF 350 )/55W
-800-850MHz/Walky-Talky(UHF700/800), TETRA/100W
-850-895MHz/Cellular CDMA/TDMA,alky-Talky ( UHF800/900 )/120W
-925-960MHz/Cellular GSM900/120W
-1520-1580MHz/GPS & Satellite; Thuraya; Iridium; Odyssey; GlobalStar; Inmarsat; Aces; Elipso/45W
-1805-1990MHz/Cellular HGSM1800/ DCS?Cellular GSM1900/ PCS (+ PHS )/100W
-2110-2170MHz/Cellular UMTS / WCDMA ( 3G )/100W
-2400-2500MHz/WLAN & Bluetooth & Wifi/28W
Total RF Power: 868 Watt
Antenna Type:High Gain Omnidirectional Antennas
Power Supply Source:Additional AC Generator ( 5000W)
Total Power Consumption ( +28VDC ):Max 7000VA
Total System Weight: Approx.180kg
Operating Temperature Range:-20?...+50?Operating Humidity:Up to 80%
Power cable

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